T&L: Progression in T&L through Innovation
Alhamdullilah and thank you to all (fellow academic friends and students), we managed to secure 1st place for Teaching & Learning (T&L) Competition and awarded gold medal for T&L Innovation in KNovasi 2021 for our new method in delivering clinical pharmacy clerkship. For that reason, I would like to share the steps in creating new T&L method that is effective and easy to adapt by the learners and educators. The main objective of innovation to make life more efficient or to solve problem. With the current challenges of COVID-19 pandemic, traditional methods of T&L through face-to-face approaches are limited. This pushes the need for new T&L methods. Generally, people look at T&L as easy and less complicated than conducting research. In actual fact, both have similar steps, the differences are only on how the method to develop the innovation. For example, to get 'a data' of drug concentration using HPLC takes longer time than develop 'a sentence...