T&L: Enhancing Learning Through Effective Teaching

In 2016, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) was introduced in Davos, although part of the 4IR elements has been taking place for at least a decade. 4IR will change the current living arrangement to a next era. Digital technology and artificial intelligent have made it possible to create products and services for a better life. These services include education (Education 4.0). Malaysian Higher Education 4.0 (image source: apkpure.com) In relation to the higher education, the Generation Z (Gen Z, born between 1995 and 2010) and later will be highly affected by Education 4.0. They are growing up in a time so revolutionised by technology. This group of adolescence would be attending universities in the coming years. They have three main wishes: 1. desire of meaningful education to equip them for jobs of the future, 2. strong growth in their careers, 3. dreams to be fulfilled within 10 years of their entering the career. Education 4.0 is imperative in human capi...